Please remember when starting any new exercise, please make sure that it is suitable for you and take it slowly/build up (and check with your GP if you think needed). By accessing these videos, you are taking full responsibility when exercising and/or practicing yoga online. Please listen to your body and adjust or stop in case you are experiencing any pain or discomfort.

Enjoy these online yoga and meditation videos at your own pace, from Jen at The Adaptive Yogi, specialising in yoga for all abilities.

Meditation and Pranayama (Breathing)

Mindful mediation (6 minutes)

Breathwork (4 minutes)

Sense meditation (15 minutes)

Square breath technique

ADAPTED SEATED POSES with a little meditation and breathing

Burn along seated heart (30 minutes)

30 minute circle of joy seated flow

seated energised flow (8 minutes)

Wrists and shoulders (4 minutes)

GUIDED RELAXATION (from lying down ideally, can be seated if fully supported)

Cave of deep rest (25 minute)

Guided mediation for sleep (20 minute)