Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC)

Emma Lothian and Jessie Buchanan from Taikura Trust give us an overview on NASC – eligibility criteria, potential supports, assessment reviews and what to expect in your meeting.  A lively Q&A session covers:

  • How respite is accessed and what options are available
  • Whether Individualised Funding can be used for home modifications
  • What is included in household management and personal support
  • and much more…

Video Summary

  • Length –  50 minutes
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Potential supports available
  • Clinical info required to support the assessment to establish eligibility for funding and support the assessment process
  • Client’s privacy
  • What to expect in your meeting
  • Examples of disability support services
  • Assessment information, including question samples
  • Assessment reviews
  • IF vs Service Coordination, pros and cons
  • Reviewing your plan

Q & A

This webinar series is made possible thanks to our friends at Care on Call

Information on Individualised Funding

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