Maintaining employment and earning a living holds great importance for many individuals.

Being diagnosed with MS doesn’t necessarily stop you pursuing your chosen career.   While you may need to make adjustments to accommodate symptoms such as fatigue and pain, people with MS can continue pursuing their chosen careers even after their diagnosis.

Below are some positive strategies and seeking support, you can proactively manage your work and MS, allowing you to thrive in your chosen career while prioritising your well-being.

  • Arrange your work schedule in a way that allows you to tackle demanding tasks in the mornings when you feel more energised, and reserve easier tasks for the afternoons when fatigue might be more pronounced.
  • Take short breaks and engage in light exercise if you start feeling tired. It can help rejuvenate your energy levels.
  • If parking is available, try to secure a spot close to your building for easier accessibility.
  • Opt for a chair with armrests and good back support to ensure comfort during your work hours.
  • Remember that your employer is legally obligated to make reasonable accommodations to assist you in continuing your work. This could involve making physical adjustments to your workspace, redistributing tasks if certain aspects of your job pose challenges, or even allowing you to work remotely on occasion.
  • Reach out to your community advisors for guidance and assistance. They possess valuable experience in helping individuals manage workplace changes following an MS diagnosis and can serve as effective advocates if you encounter any issues with your employer.

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