Head shot of Andi Billington

Losing your health is like losing a loved one – you suffer the emotions of grief. 

Receiving a diagnosis of MS can send you off-track. It can disconnect you from your life and from the path you were taking before diagnosis.  To cope you should acknowledge this process and allow it to happen in its various forms. This webinar gives you techniques for coping. 

MS Volunteer, Andi Billington presented a webinar to members in which she shared helpful ways to handle a MS diagnosis and cope going forward. Andi’s “Four Stepping Stones” will help you to get back on track and feeling in control!

Video Summary

  • Length – 45 minutes
  • Express your feelings and be kind to yourself.
    • Acknowledge how difficult this experience is. Rate your mood on a 1-10 scale and recognize when you need to seek help from someone trusted or support line such as 1737.
  • Build a support network – connect to others
    • Include people who you can be real and honest with and are good listeners – this is particularly important as many symptoms of MS are invisible.  Use MS Auckland including the Community Advisors, support groups and peer support.  Connect with social and community groups you had before.  Show kindness – volunteer or engage random acts of kindness.  Learn to feel in control.
  • Focus on health, wellbeing and caring for yourself. 
    • Use the PLEASE model to check in with yourself :
      • PL physical – your regular checkups, dental etc
      • E exercise
      • A alcohol (limit)
      • S sleep, including total muscle relaxation
      • E eating
  • Manage your time – take charge of your routine.  
    • Build and manage a new routine around your new normal

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